For my final year project at university, I worked on developing my own game from the ground up! That's how "Steamvale" was born. A puzzle adventure sandbox game blending steampunk and fantasy.
Below are 3 concept art pieces I developed for this project. The purpose of these pieces was to help guide me and present to any viewer the nature of the level areas the players are expect to find in the adventure puzzle game, as well as giving hints of lore, potential detail and a feel of the world I was trying to envision.
The protagonist "cogs" is a steampunk styled mad scientist that got transported into the mystical fantasy land where the green creature resides. This creature is one of the many different creatures the player can interact to aid them on their journey.
Below you fill find the character sheets and 3d models of cogs and the creature.
I created the title screen when launching the game.
B.A.S.L.E is just a made up publisher for the sake of putting this sequence together and the development studio is personal my animated logo.

The title screen uses colors and animated elements from the famous time machine built by cogs.
Nearing the final stretch of this project, I put together, various HUD and UI elements of this would be game. The assets worked on range from an animated "goggle vision" HUD in game that lets the player spot special interactable objects, an inventory Menu that helps the player manage items picked up and tools that can be used to navigate the endless puzzles and finally a make shift map for the game that shows the different environment topography!

The character was rigged and animated using Mixamo and part of the assets used for the environment are the from the Stylized forest and the Dreamscape Series packs in Unreal Engine's Marketplace.
Below, you will find the demo of the game as I navigate through the environment and its hidden secrets, as well as some screenshots of said demo.
During the last stages, I worked on several items as promotional material and merchandise for the game. I designed and put together Cogs' (our protagonist) iconic hat, along with going ahead and 3D printing and painting a figurine of him and a key chain-sized version of his hat!
Finally, as part of the advertisement, I created a steam page for the game and a QR code that can be scanned with any device supporting AR for a fun little surprise! 